#!/run/current-system/profile/bin/bash gather_env() { # Gather needed information echo -n "Type 'e' for encrypted or 'd' for decrypted install: " read install_type echo -n "Type system hostname: " read install_hostname echo -n "Type device file for ROOT data: " read root_dev echo -n "Type device file for BOOT data: " read boot_dev echo -n "Type device file for SWAP: " read swap_dev } copy_and_prepare() { # Associate devs with uuids root_uuid=`blkid $root_dev | awk -F\" '{print $2}'` boot_uuid=`blkid $boot_dev | awk -F\" '{print $2}'` swap_uuid=`blkid $swap_dev | awk -F\" '{print $2}'` # Let's a go! echo "Information gathered. Deploying Guix on $root_dev ($root_uuid) with boot on $boot_dev ($boot_uuid) and swap on $swap_dev ($swap_uuid)" echo -n "Proceed? (y/n): " read install_choice if [ "$install_choice" != "y" ] then echo "Bailing!" exit 1 fi # We are installing! # Copy template to root of repo if [ "$install_type" == "e" ] then cp ./modules/ryan-config/deploy-templates/HostTemplateEncrypted ./$install_hostname.scm elif [ "$install_type" == "d" ] then cp ./modules/ryan-config/deploy-templates/HostTemplate ./$install_hostname.scm else echo "Invalid install type (not d or e), bailing!" exit 1 fi # Correct the information sed -i "s/ChangeMe_ROOT/$root_uuid/" ./$install_hostname.scm sed -i "s/ChangeMe_BOOTEFI/$boot_uuid/" ./$install_hostname.scm sed -i "s/ChangeMe_SWAP/$swap_uuid/" ./$install_hostname.scm sed -i "s/ChangeMe_HOST/$install_hostname/" ./$install_hostname.scm # Install! echo "Mounting /gnu/store to destination disk..." herd start cow-store /mnt # Install the non-guix signing keys echo "Installing non-guix signing keys for substitutes..." curl -o sign-key.pub https://substitutes.nonguix.org/signing-key.pub guix archive --authorize < sign-key.pub } install_system() { echo "Beginning install!" guix time-machine -C ./channels.scm -- system -L ./modules --substitute-urls='https://substitutes.nonguix.org https://bordeaux.guix.gnu.org https://ci.guix.gnu.org' init $install_hostname.scm /mnt } install_user_env() { # System should be installed now, we can chroot in and configure the user profile now # NOTE: This assumes the user "ryan" for things, so change the USER var if you change your username # Copy some files over to prepare for reboot USER=ryan guix shell git -- git clone https://git.stationery.faith/ryan77627/guix-dotfiles /mnt/home/$USER/.config/guix cp ~/guix-dotfiles/$install_hostname.scm /mnt/home/$USER/.config/guix/$install_hostname.scm cp ~/guix-dotfiles/modules/ryan-config/user_first_run.sh /mnt/home/$USER/.bashrc chown 1000:1000 -R /mnt/home/ryan } gather_env copy_and_prepare install_system install_user_env # Reboot the machine at this point! reboot