Ryan Schanzenbacher 34601831dc
Added school gmail to aerc
Yes yes I know I have the client secret for oauth in there. I disabled
granting tokens though so you shouldn't be able to use it regardless
unless you have a pre-existing refresh token, so all should be well :)
2023-08-24 14:22:48 -04:00

22 lines
1.1 KiB

source = imaps://
source-cred-cmd = cat ~/Documents/email_creds/
outgoing = smtps://
outgoing-cred-cmd = sh -c "cat ~/Documents/"
default = INBOX
from = Ryan Schanzenbacher <>
copy-to = Sent
signature-file = ~/.config/aerc/signature_personal
check-mail = 5m
source = imaps+oauthbearer://
source-cred-cmd = cat ~/Documents/email_creds/
outgoing = smtps+oauthbearer://
outgoing-cred-cmd = cat ~/Documents/email_creds/
from = Ryan Schanzenbacher <>
signature-file = ~/.config/aerc/signature_rit_personal
check-mail = 5m
default = INBOX
copy-to = [Gmail]/Sent Mail