{pkgs, ...}: { home = { username = "tacocat"; homeDirectory = "/home/tacocat"; stateVersion = "23.11"; sessionVariables = { EDITOR = "hx"; BAT_THEME = "ansi"; DOTNET_ROOT = "$HOME/.dotnet"; }; sessionPath = [ "$HOME/.local/bin" "$HOME/.dotnet" "$HOME/.cargo/bin" ]; shellAliases = { # cat = "bat"; # please = "sudo !!"; gaa = "git add ."; gcm = "git commit -m"; gpom = "git push -u origin main"; }; packages = with pkgs; [ wineWowPackages.unstable comic-mono maple-mono jetbrains-mono (nerdfonts.override {fonts = ["FiraMono"]; } ) gnupg pandoc jdk20 pdftk git git-crypt (writeShellScriptBin "hs-way" '' home-manager --flake $HOME/nix-config/#tacocat build # GEN=$(home-manager generations | head -1 | awk '{print $NF}') "$HOME/nix-config/result/specialisation/wayland/activate" '') ]; }; fonts.fontconfig.enable = true; news.display = "silent"; imports = [ ./programs ./services ./shell ./helix ./emacs ./wayland ]; # Let Home Manager install and manage itself. programs.home-manager.enable = true; }