const { Cli, Bridge, WeakEvent, Intent, AppServiceRegistration } = require("matrix-appservice-bridge"); const { LogService } = require("matrix-bot-sdk"); const EventEmitter = require("events"); /** * @typedef {{ * localpart?: string, * regex?: {type: "users"|"rooms"|"aliases", regex: string, exclusive?: boolean}[], * }} Registration */ /** * @typedef {{ * localpart: string, * username?: string, * avatar?: string, * }} User */ /** * @typedef {(config: Record) => { * homeserver: string, * homeserver_url: string, * }} EvalConfig */ const defaultEvalConfig = config => ({ enabled: true, homeserver: config.homeserver, homeserver_url: config.homeserver_url, }) module.exports.MxBridge = class MxBridge extends EventEmitter { /** * @param {string} registrationPath * @param {string} schema * @param {Record} defaults * @param {Registration} registration * @param {EvalConfig} getValues */ constructor(registrationPath, schema, defaults, registration, getValues = defaultEvalConfig) { super(); let bridgeResolve; /** @type {Promise} */ this.bridge = new Promise(r => bridgeResolve = r); this.avatars = {}; new Cli({ registrationPath, bridgeConfig: { schema, defaults, }, generateRegistration(reg, cb) { reg.setId(AppServiceRegistration.generateToken()); reg.setHomeserverToken(AppServiceRegistration.generateToken()); reg.setAppServiceToken(AppServiceRegistration.generateToken()); if(registration.localpart) { reg.setSenderLocalpart(registration.localpart); } if(Array.isArray(registration.regex)) { registration.regex.forEach(r => { reg.addRegexPattern(r.type, r.regex, r.exclusive); }); } cb(reg); }, run: async (port, config) => { // don't emit "config" synchronously, give a consumer a chance to attach a listener for it await new Promise(r => setImmediate(r)); this.emit("config", config); const values = getValues(config); const bridge = new Bridge({ homeserverUrl: values.homeserver_url, domain: values.homeserver, registration: registrationPath, disableStores: true, controller: { onUserQuery(u) { return {}; }, onEvent: async (req, ctx) => { const evt = req.getData(); // console.log("got event", evt); /** * @event MxBridge#evt * @param {WeakEvent} event * @param {Bridge} bridge */ this.emit("evt", evt, bridge); }, } }); console.log("Matrix appservice listening on port", port); await; bridgeResolve(bridge); /** * @event MxBridge#login * @param {Bridge} bridge * @param {Record} config */ this.emit("login", bridge, config); } }).run(); this.on("evt", async (evt, bridge) => { // the bridge user should autojoin on invites if( evt.type === "" && evt.state_key === bridge.getBot().getUserId() && evt.content?.membership === "invite" ) { console.log("got invite! joining") await bridge.getIntent().join(evt.room_id); /** * @event MxBridge#room * @param {string} room_id * @param {Bridge} bridge */ this.emit("room", evt.room_id, bridge); } if( evt.type === "" && evt.content ) { if(evt.content["m.relates_to"]?.["rel_type"] === "m.replace" && evt.content["m.new_content"]) { /** * @event MxBridge#edit * @param {object} content * @param {string} replaces * @param {WeakEvent} event * @param {Bridge} bridge */ this.emit("edit", evt.content["m.new_content"], evt.content["m.relates_to"].event_id, evt, bridge); } else { /** * @event MxBridge#message * @param {object} content * @param {WeakEvent} event * @param {Bridge} bridge */ this.emit("message", evt.content, evt, bridge); } } if( evt.type === "" && evt.redacts ) { /** * @event MxBridge#redact * @param {string} redacts * @param {WeakEvent} event * @param {Bridge} bridge */ this.emit("redact", evt.redacts, evt, bridge); } if( evt.type === "m.reaction" && evt.content?.["m.relates_to"]?.rel_type === "m.annotation" ) { /** * @event MxBridge#react * @param {string} reacts_to * @param {string} reaction * @param {WeakEvent} event * @param {Bridge} bridge */ this.emit("react", evt.content["m.relates_to"].event_id, evt.content["m.relates_to"].key, evt, bridge); } }) } /** * Uploads a user's avatar to the content repository if it isn't already * @param {string} url * @param {Intent} intent */ async ensureUploaded(url, intent) { if(url in this.avatars) { return this.avatars[url]; } console.log("fetching file", url); const res = await fetch(url); const blob = await res.blob(); const buffer = Buffer.from(await blob.arrayBuffer()); console.log("uploading to matrix: content type", blob.type); const mxc = await intent.uploadContent(buffer, blob.type); console.log("got mxc url", mxc); this.avatars[url] = mxc; /** * @event MxBridge#avatarupload * @param {string} mxc Matrix content repository URL * @param {string} url Original HTTP URL * @param {{[key: string]: string}} avatars The current avatar cache */ this.emit("avatarupload", mxc, url, this.avatars); return mxc; } /** * @param {string} room * @param {User} user * @param {string} body * @param {string?} formatted_body */ async sendMessage(room, user, body, formatted_body) { const bridge = await this.bridge; const intent = bridge.getIntentFromLocalpart(user.localpart); let avatar; if(user.avatar) { avatar = await this.ensureUploaded(user.avatar, intent); } await intent.setRoomUserProfile(room, { displayname: user.username, avatar_url: avatar, }); // look. this error. it's annoying. and it is of no consequence. // the user already existing is the *goal*. but there's no switch to turn it off. // so i'm making one, ok? const oldError = LogService.error; LogService.error = function(logType, msg, err) { if(logType === "Appservice" && msg === "Error registering user: User ID is in use") { return; } if(logType === "MatrixHttpClient" && msg.startsWith("(REQ-") && err.errcode === "M_USER_IN_USE") { return; } return oldError.apply(this, arguments); } const { event_id } = await intent.sendMessage(room, { msgtype: "m.text", body, ...(formatted_body !== undefined ? { format: "org.matrix.custom.html", formatted_body } : {}) }) // put that back where it came from or so help me LogService.error = oldError; return event_id; } /** * @param {string} room * @param {User} user * @param {string} eventId * @param {string} body * @param {string?} formatted_body */ async editMessage(room, user, eventId, body, formatted_body) { const bridge = await this.bridge; const intent = bridge.getIntentFromLocalpart(user.localpart); const { event_id } = intent.sendMessage(room, { body: "* " + body, msgtype: "m.text", "m.new_content": { msgtype: "m.text", body, ...(formatted_body !== undefined ? { format: "org.matrix.custom.html", formatted_body } : {}) }, "m.relates_to": { event_id: eventId, rel_type: "m.replace", } }) return event_id; } /** * @param {string} room * @param {User} user * @param {string} event_id */ async redact(room, user, event_id) { const bridge = await this.bridge; const intent = bridge.getIntentFromLocalpart(user.localpart); return await intent.matrixClient.redactEvent(room, event_id); } async getMxcToHttp() { const bridge = await this.bridge; return url => bridge.getBot().getClient().mxcToHttp(url); } }